Wedding Party



Kristi Kasel
Maid of Honor

Lindsay and Kristi were randomly placed roommates seven years ago freshman year in college. They instantly bonded and went on to live in the same room for the next four years. For the last three, they have had their own rooms in the same apartment, but have remained just as close. Living with someone for six years legally makes them your domestic partner. The hardest part about getting married for Lindsay will be going through the divorce with Kristi. At least they can still be best friends. Adam has a lot to live up to as a roommate.

Alicia Cresap

Alicia lived across the hall from Lindsay and Kristi freshman year in college. Lindsay and Alicia craft together and bake together which makes the best friendships. Alicia and Lindsay have also lived together, worked together and spent many nights laughing themselves to tears together.

Bridget Lander

Lindsay and Bridget met in college. They instantly bonded over both knowing (and loving) Kristi the day they met. Bridget and Lindsay like to spend time roller blading, shopping and getting pampered as well as spending many nights staying up talking.

Laura Broussard

Lindsay and Laura met through Adam and his friend Paul. They enjoy pedicures, swims in the pool while the boys play waterpolo, sharing sushi and of course talking about the boys. Laura has been a great friend to Lindsay for the past few years.


Paul Ellis and Mike Varga
Best Men

Mike and Paul have known Adam since high school, where they all played waterpolo. Now that they are at least partially grown up, they still play waterpolo, although they are considerably slower. Adam was faced with a tough decision as to which one of them to choose as his best man, and so in classic Adam fashion he decided not to choose, making the pair co-best men.

Aaron Rhine

Aaron and Adam will be brothers-in-law relatively soon. The two share a passion and very often a mutual pain for the Padres and the Chargers, and one day Aaron will have to teach Adam how to actually swing a golf club, although Adam is pretty sure that he is beyond help.

Dillon Mills

Adam and Dillon have been friends since their days in Student Computing at USD. They soon discovered that they had a lot in common, mainly due to both being huge nerds. They have stayed close over the past few years, getting together for game nights and Chargers games.